Product Information

Registration Status: Active


APO-PRAVASTATIN TABLET 10mg is approved to be sold in Singapore with effective from 2005-07-22. It is marketed by PHARMAFORTE SINGAPORE PTE LTD, with the registration number of SIN12671P.

This product contains Pravastatin 10mg in the form of TABLET. It is approved for ORAL use.

This product is manufactured by APOTEX INC (SIGNET DRIVE) in CANADA.

It is a Prescription Only Medicine that can only be obtained from a doctor or a dentist, or a pharmacist with a prescription from a Singapore-registered doctor or dentist.

Product Reference


Pravastatin is a cholesterol-lowering agent that belongs to a class of medications known as statins. It was derived from microbial transformation of mevastatin, the first statin discovered. It is a ring-opened dihydroxyacid with a 6’-hydroxyl group that does not require in vivo activation. Pravastatin is one of the lower potency statins; however, its increased hydrophilicity is thought to confer advantages such as minimal penetration through lipophilic membranes of peripheral cells, increased selectivity for hepatic tissues, and a reduction in side effects compared with lovastatin and simvastatin.


For the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Mechanism of Action

Pravastatin is structurally similar to the HMG, a substituent of the endogenous substrate of HMG-CoA reductase. Unlike its parent compound, mevastatin, and statins such as lovastatin and simvastatin, pravastatin does not need to be activated in vivo. Its hydrolyzed lactone ring mimics the tetrahedral intermediate produced by the reductase allowing the agent to bind with a much greater affinity than its natural substrate. The bicyclic portion of pravastatin binds to the coenzyme A portion of the active site. Pravastatin sodium produces its lipid-lowering effect in two ways. First, as a consequence of its reversible inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase activity, it effects modest reductions in intracellular pools of cholesterol. This results in an increase in the number of LDL-receptors on cell surfaces and enhanced receptor-mediated catabolism and clearance of circulating LDL. Second, pravastatin inhibits LDL production by inhibiting hepatic synthesis of VLDL, the LDL precursor.


Pravastatin is rapidly absorbed with peak plasma levels of the parent compound achieved 1 to 1.5 hours after administration. The average oral absorption of pravastatin is 34% and absolute bioavailability is 17%. These values however, are variable. Food decreases the systemic bioavailability but the lipid-lowering effect is not impacted. When 20 mg of pravastatin is given orally, the pharmacokinetic parameters are as follows: Cmax = 23.3-26.3 ng/mL; AUC = 54.7 to 62.2 ng•hr/mL.
Hepatic, there is a small amount of metabolism by P450 enzymes, but this effect is so minimal that inhibitory pharmacokinetic drug interactions have no real effect on its overall activity and elimination. An in vitro study which found moderate affinity for P450 2C9 (major), 2D6 and 3A4. Furthermore, the major degradation product is the 3α-hydroxy isomeric metabolite, which has one-tenth to one-fortieth the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitory activity of the parent compound.


Side effects include diarrhea, nausea, constipation, gas abdominal pain, myopathy, myositis, rhabdomyolysis, and hepatotoxicity. LD50= 12,000 mg/kg (orally in rat)

Active Ingredient/Synonyms

(+)-(3R,5R)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-[(1S,2S,6S,8S,8aR)-6-hydroxy-2-methyl-8-{[(S)-2-methylbutyryl]oxy}-1,2,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-1-naphthyl]heptanoic acid | Pravastatin acid | Pravastatina | Pravastatine | Pravastatinum | Pravastatin |

Source of information: Drugbank (External Link). Last updated on: 3rd July 18. *Trade Name used in the content below may not be the same as the HSA-registered product.


  1. Health Science Authority of Singapore - Reclassified POM
  2. Drugbank

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